At the start of phase five of the exercise, seven more bodies have been exhumed from the Shakahola forest. Bringing the death toll of the massacre to 436.

According to Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor, the bodies recovered on Monday were decomposed, while some were just skeletons.

“Today (Monday), we exhumed seven bodies,” he told journalists. In one grave, there were four bodies while the other three were buried separately.”

Further, Oduor revealed that 50 graves had been earmarked for the exhumation set to continue on Tuesday.

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) homicide department, in collaboration with other agencies, are undertaking the exercise.
The state has already handed over the last of 34 bodies that had been positively identified.

Over 400 bodies had been preserved in refrigerated containers outside the Malindi Sub-county Hospital mortuary.