Portugal revoked a key migration policy on Monday as it attempts to reduce the number of new arrivals.

The reforms put an end to a practice that permitted non-EU migrants to travel to Portugal without a job contract and later apply residency after paying social insurance for a year.

Now, migrants will need an employment contract before moving to the country.

Newly-elected Prime Minister said he wanted to “put an end to… excessive abuse” of its welcome for migrants.

Portugal’s in five years, with many individuals arriving from Asia to work on fields and in restaurants.

Overseas immigrants now make approximately one million individuals — roughly a tenth of the entire population — according to government figures.

Last year, 180,000 migrants were regularized.

Montenegro stated there are presently roughly 400,000 regularization petitions still outstanding.

“We need people in Portugal willing to help us build a fairer and more prosperous society,” he said. “But we cannot go to the other extreme and have wide-open doors.”

The post Portugal’s new government tightens immigration laws appeared first on Deutsche Welle.

Source: dw.com