A lady has come forward to expose the Quiver management for exploiting female workers. She revealed that some Quiver managers pressure female employees into engaging in sexual acts to secure their job positions. According to her, those who refuse are fired, while those who comply are given false promises and eventually dismissed.

Concerns regarding Quiver's treatment of female stewards are widespread. According to the waitress, the management mistreats and takes advantage of these women for personal gain.
According to the accusations, the management of Quiver is not providing female stewards with a secure and equitable work environment. It is quite disheartening to learn that people are being exploited rather than being treated fairly and with respect.

The waitress who raised her voice was really courageous and deserving of praise for drawing attention to this problem. She has sparked a discussion about the need for change by bringing attention to the maltreatment of female stewards through her experiences.
It's critical to give careful consideration to the waitress's worries. It's important to take the reported abuse of female stewards seriously and not overlook it. Investigating these claims is necessary, as is taking the appropriate action to address the issue.