Jacob Zuma's uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party said it will join an alliance of minor opposition parties in parliament to challenge the coalition government led by the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA).

The ANC and its major competitor, the white-led, pro-business Democratic Alliance, agreed on Friday to work together in a coalition called "government of national unity", a step shift after 30 years of ANC dominance.


Former President Jacob Zuma's uMkhonto we Sizwe party finished an unexpected third in the May 29 election, which saw the ANC lose its majority. MK received 14.6% of the vote, translating into 58 seats in the 400-member National Assembly.

 MK legislators boycotted the first National Assembly session on Friday after submitting a lawsuit to the country's top court claiming vote-rigging, which the court ruled unfounded.

Nhlamulo Ndhlela, Zuma's spokeswoman, said in a statement to reporters that the MK party will join the "Progressive Caucus," which comprises the Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the center-left United Democratic Movement.

Ndhlela claimed that this combination controls over 30% of the seats in the National Assembly. It will sit next to President Zuma—who coughed but responded to questions following the remarks—and the heads of other tiny parties.


"This united effort is necessary because the 2024 election has also resulted in the consolidation of right-wing and reactionary forces who are opposed to economic freedom, radical economic transformation, racial equality and land repossession," he said.

Ndhlela stated that MK had opted to assume seats in the National Assembly after getting legal advice and that it will continue to raise charges of a rigged election in parliament and the courts.

The Independent Electoral Commission has declared the election free and fair.

Zuma also attacked the unity government, calling it "meaningless" and a "white-led unholy alliance".