Senator Gloria Orwoba has faced significant backlash from netizens on 'X' over finance bill where any concluded that she was in support of the levy recently proposed on pads in the Finance Bill of 2024. The trolling began after Orwoba was seen attending the Kenya Kwanza Parliamentary Group press briefing held today at State House in Nairobi.

Despite National Assembly Finance Committee Chair Kuria Kimani announcing at the press briefing that the government had rescinded the decision to impose a tax on both locally and internationally manufactured diapers and pads, many still questioned Senator Gloria Orwoba's presence there.

As a long-time activist against period shaming, her attendance was seen by many as a contradiction.

After facing massive trolling on X, Senator Gloria Orwoba has finally broken her silence and clarified her stance.

Using her 'X' account, the vocal legislator explained that she was advocating for goods to be manufactured locally.

Orwoba expressed her satisfaction that no levies were placed on locally manufactured pads, something she had advocated for from the beginning.

It is worth noting that the nominated Senator had previously requested the committee to consider removing the Eco Levy fee for local manufacturers of pads and diapers.

"The fact of the matter is that there are NO TAXES on locally manufactured sanitary towels and diapers. To deal with Period Poverty, we MUST deal with Poverty so WE MUST DEMAND THAT WE KEEP OUR JOBS IN KENYA.

For me and my people...WE shall BUY KENYA, BUILD KENYA and Keep Kenya's economy vibrant. For avoidance of doubt, my phone number is 0728370412. Keep calling and keep texting and matusi fupi fupi...Watu ni wengi kwa line!" She said.