Former news anchor, Salim Swaleh, who is the current Director of Press at the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, is among several suspects arrested in connection with a fraud scheme at Musalia Mudavadi's office.

In a statement released by Secretary Strategic Communications at Mudavadi's office Peter Warutere, the suspects facing impersonation, fraud, and abuse of office charges were apprehended following a tip-off.

"The arrests followed a tipoff that alerted OPCS-MFDA security, who then mounted intense surveillance at the OPCS-MFDA Railways Office to disrupt the reported nefarious acts of impersonation and abuse of the facility by the fraudsters.”

According to investigations, a group posing as visitors would gain individual access to the Railways Building on various dates and times by impersonating VIP guests or government officers, as well as the officers they claimed to be visiting.

Their victims were mostly foreigners who were led into the Railways Building ostensibly to meet with high-ranking government officials in exchange for favors and bribes.

Investigations into the fraudsters' cabal have revealed co-conspirators, including government officials who aided their illegal activities.

Swaleh was among those apprehended after the swindlers were discovered with fake door switch-name tags inside his office.

"Apparently, government officers arrested had perfected "renting" office space to criminals by either vacating their offices for the fraudsters' use, or deceptively misrepresenting themselves. This deception also meant switching legitimate name tags with fake ones on office doors to advance the scams."

Detectives say the suspects attempted to bribe their way out shortly after being arrested.

"Upon being smoked out in one of the OPCS-MFDA Railway offices where the confidence tricksters had settled in wait for their victims on Saturday, the group had the audacity of attempting to bribe their way out," the statement reads.