City Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi has called upon President William Ruto not to assent to the Finance Bill 2024 into law after it was passed by the National Assembly on Tuesday.

Abdullahi has asked the Head of State to give concessions regarding the Bill and listen to Kenyans who came out in large numbers in the protests against it.

“President Ruto, please give concession. It will not show weakness. It will show leadership. Listening to the will of the people is true leadership,” he urged.

Further, he said the Finance Bill 2024 should be taken back to parliament so that legislators can forgo the punitive taxes present in the Bill, which seeks to raise taxes to finance the government’s budget for the Financial Year 2024/25.

“The Finance Bill has left Parliament and is on the President’s desk. President William Ruto should not assent to the bill. He must send it back to Parliament.”

He also faulted the punitive taxes in the Bill, pleading with the Kenya Kwanza government to cut down its expenditure and reduce wastage.

“The President must listen to the national consensus that the Finance Bill is oppressive and cruel to all Kenyans,” he added.

195 lawmakers voted in favour of the Bill, giving it a nod to enter the final phase, while 106 Mps voted against it, which now awaits Presidential assent.