Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, the director of the Kenya Classification Board has defended Gen Z, stating that the chaos witnessed during Tuesday's protests was not their doing. Mutua claims that the events were acts of criminal activity, sponsored by individuals who do not love the country.

He stated that the scenes that unfolded in Nairobi and other towns mirror the 2007/08 post-election violence. Mutua believes that the current situation in the country is no longer driven by a Gen Z agenda, as it has been hijacked by opportunistic individuals. He condemned the looting witnessed in town and asserted that no leader should condone or celebrate such incidents.

"What happened today was not a Gen Z protest. It was a criminal activity sponsored by people who don't love this country. I agree with those saying that the protests have been hijacked. The ugly scenes of looting and destruction of property are reminiscent of the 2007/8 post election violence. This is not Gen Zs agenda any more. It has been hijacked. I can't imagine the pain of business people who helplessly watched their businesses being looted. No sane leader should condone or celebrate such madness." Mutua said.