The founder of Africa Uncensored, John-Allan Namu, has addressed online criticism regarding his media organization's foreign funding.

Namu faced attacks after a popular blogger disclosed that Africa Uncensored received a $250,000 grant from the Ford Foundation in August 2023. This revelation came shortly after President Ruto accused the Ford Foundation of funding anti-government protests.


In response, Namu confirmed the funding, emphasizing its necessity for maintaining independent journalism. He urged Kenyans to judge his work's integrity.

"This is true. We have never denied or hidden our sources of funding or partnerships. I have always said that the proof of our intentions is our work. I'm ready to defend all the work we have put in," he wrote.

Despite his clarification, questions persisted, prompting Namu to release a detailed statement defending Africa Uncensored and other Kenyan media organizations.

 "Today, I want to express my gratitude for the many messages I've received, which indicate that many of you recognize the vile attempt to discredit the work of Africa Uncensored. Thank you all. You have upheld our work as a beacon, corrected us when we were wrong, and now you stand with us. However, this fight is about more than just our credibility; it is about everyone's voices." he said


He expressed gratitude for the support and highlighted the challenges faced, including Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) and journalist abductions. Namu stressed the importance of media freedom and the right to report, urging Kenyans to stand by their constitutional rights.

Activist Hanifa Adan and others praised Namu for his contributions to journalism and urged him to ignore detractors.

Regarding rumors of hosting President Ruto, Namu has not responded clearly, only tweeting, "Guys, I hear you."