First Lady Rachel Ruto has shared a message of encouragement with the 19 newly appointed Cabinet Secretaries. The swearing-in ceremony took place on Thursday at State House Nairobi, with President William Ruto overseeing the event. Following their swearing-in, Mama Rachel congratulated the Cabinet Secretaries and urged them to serve the people of Kenya with integrity and dedication to fulfill the President's agenda.

"Congratulations to the 19 Cabinet Secretaries who took their oaths this morning. We have faith in your ability to serve the nation, collaborating with a common purpose to realize the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA)," she expressed. "May you approach your duties with courage, integrity, and unwavering commitment to the welfare of the Kenyan populace. The nation is relying on you."

President Ruto officially appointed them on Wednesday after receiving approval from the National Assembly. The swearing-in ceremony was attended by senior government officials and the families of the newly appointed Cabinet Secretaries, with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi in attendance.

President Ruto charged his reconstituted Cabinet to prioritize serving the people of Kenya above all else. He encouraged them to focus on executing programs that will advance the country. "Therefore, I urge you to move forward from today with a focus on delivery, dedicating your time and efforts to implementing the strategies, programs, and projects necessary for the nation’s transformation," the President stated. "Make the welfare of the Kenyan people your primary and sole focus, and never let personal interests hinder your responsibilities."

Ruto pledged his full support to the new Cabinet Secretaries in fulfilling their obligations to the Kenyan citizens. He emphasized the importance of leading by example in terms of being responsible stewards of public resources and ensuring accountability. The President noted that the expectations of the Kenyan people are clear in demanding efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness from their leaders.

"As advocates for the nation’s development agenda, you are expected to be team players, servant leaders, trustworthy trustees, effective guardians of the people’s interests, and reliable protectors of their resources."