Attorney General (AG) nominee Dorcas Oduor has revealed that her net worth is Kes85 million, which is the joint wealth of her family.

Speaking when she appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments she revealed that she’s a widow and since the death of her husband the wealth has not been distributed among her children.

“My total family net worth, because since my husband died, we have not distributed amongst my children, is Kes 85 million. It is made up of land, houses and a car.”

She is currently the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions.

The nominee boasts 30 years of experience, during which time she served in the State Law Office and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution, where she is currently the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution.

Her legal career started in 1992 when she was admitted to the role of advocate of the High Court.

She then served at the state law office and rose to the position of secretary of public prosecutions.

In 2017, she was placed at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions after the prosecution was delinked from the Office of the Attorney General following the 2010 constitution.

She advocates for the High Court and holds a Master of Arts in International Conflict Management, a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), and a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.