A 30-year-old night guard died after being stabbed during an altercation among revelers at a nightclub in Siaya town on Saturday night.

The guard, identified as Ben Peter, succumbed to his injuries shortly after arriving at Siaya County Referral Hospital, where he was rushed following the stabbing incident. Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo reported that the incident was brought to the attention of Siaya police station by Michael Mugola, who alerted them about a disturbance near the Administration Police canteen, located next to Kitu Moto nightclub in Siaya town.

Upon receiving the report, officers quickly responded and arrived at the scene to find a 35-year-old man, Brian Otieno Ogola, being assaulted by a group of people at the club. Ogola had allegedly stabbed the watchman with a knife. To disperse the angry crowd and prevent further violence, the officers fired six rounds of ammunition into the air and managed to rescue Ogola. He was transported to the hospital with multiple head injuries.

Kimaiyo explained that around 1:30 am, Ogola had been partying with friends at the Kitu Moto Resort and Night Club when a disagreement arose over an unknown issue. When the watchman attempted to intervene, Ogola reportedly drew a knife and stabbed him twice in the chest.

The County Police Commander confirmed that the scene has been processed and documented, and a blood-stained knife was recovered and kept as evidence. The body of the deceased has been moved to the Siaya County Referral Hospital morgue, where it will be preserved pending an autopsy.

Ogola, who remains in critical condition, is receiving treatment under police guard. Once he is discharged from the hospital, he will be placed in custody and charged with murder.