Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov recently met with Eritrean Charge d'affaires Naizghi Hagos in Moscow to discuss expanding mutually beneficial trade, economic, and humanitarian cooperation, according to a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday.

During their discussions, both Moscow and Asmara reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing trade, economic, and humanitarian ties. They also emphasized their intention to deepen political dialogue and closely coordinate their positions on issues of mutual interest within the United Nations and other multilateral platforms, particularly concerning the international and African agendas.

Last July, Eritrea expressed interest in acquiring a wide range of weapons from Russia after the UN lifted sanctions that had been imposed on the country from 2009 to 2018 due to its conflict with Djibouti. Following the lifting of these sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree enabling full military-technical cooperation with Eritrea.