Milo Yiannopoulos continues to stir controversy by speaking out about Kanye West on social media. Recently, Milo, who once served as Kanye's Chief of Staff, revealed troubling details about the artist's current state.

According to Milo, Kanye is now addicted to nitrous oxide, a habit allegedly enabled by his dentist who keeps supplying him with the gas. Milo has also been sharing behind-the-scenes stories, particularly targeting Nick Fuentes, a figure linked to Kanye’s slide into alt-right circles.

For those unfamiliar with Milo, he first gained attention during the Gamergate controversy in the mid-2010s, which propelled him into a career as an alt-right provocateur. His strategy relied on making outrageous statements to attract attention, but his relevance waned over time.

His association with Kanye, however, revived his public profile. In a move that shocked many, Milo recently shared that Kanye granted him an "N-word pass"—a physical card, apparently endorsed through a text message exchange, in which Kanye provided his reasoning for allowing Milo to use the racial slur. The message, seen in a screenshot shared by Milo, has left many disheartened by Kanye's transformation over the years.

Kanye's recent behavior has alienated many of his original fans, while some fringe communities have embraced his new persona. The changes in Kanye's life and the company he keeps have raised serious concerns among his supporters.

How do you feel about Kanye's decisions and the allegations of his nitrous addiction? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned to Waza for the latest news on Kanye and other artists. We’ll keep you updated on their projects and developments.