Marco Joseph's sister Victoria has shared her emotional account of the tragic loss of her brother of the Zabron Singers.

In a heartfelt statement, Victoria recounted the events leading to Marco's death. Accotding to her, Marco's health began to decline just a week before his untimely passing.

 “He started feeling unwell about a week ago,” Victoria shared, her voice tinged with sadness. “At first, we thought it was a minor illness, but his condition worsened quickly.”

The family initially believed that Marco's symptoms were not serious, but as his health continued to decline, their concern grew. Despite seeking medical attention, his condition failed to improve, and he tragically succumbed to the illness just days later. Victoria described the experience as overwhelming and devastating for the family, who were unprepared for the sudden loss.

In her statement, Victoria also expressed her gratitude for the public's support and condolences. “We are grateful for the love and support we’ve received during this difficult time,” she said. “It has been a source of comfort to us as we navigate through this immense loss.”