Police officers in Malindi have arrested a middle-aged man for possessing an endangered title.

 Detectives asked the court for more time as they continued to investigate how he acquired a turtle in violation of wildlife legislation.

The suspect has been identified as Kazungu Mwavuo Ngala, a Malindi resident.

On Monday, the suspect appeared before Malindi Resident Magistrate Grace Mutemi and rejected the accusations.

He was later freed on a bail of Ksh.200,000, with an extra security of Ksh 100,000.

According to the prosecution, Kazungu was caught on Sunday, September 1st, riding a motorbike while possessing a tortoise, a species in danger of extinction.

Abigael Cate, the Marine Wildlife Conservation Planning Manager, verified Kazungu's detention after receiving reports from local locals.

 The tortoise was transported from Kipini, Tana River County, before Kazungu was captured.

The lawsuit is due to be heard on September 12th of this year.