In a bold and unprecedented act of protest, three women staged a naked demonstration in Kampala, Uganda, drawing significant attention to the issues of women’s rights, child protection, and corruption. The women, undeterred by the risks involved, were seen chanting slogans such as "Save the women, save the children, save corruption" as they marched through the streets.

Their protest underscores the mounting frustration with the government's failure to tackle these pressing issues. The women's use of nudity served as a powerful symbol of vulnerability and desperation, aimed at shocking both the public and authorities into recognizing the gravity of the problems they were protesting.

The demonstration has generated mixed reactions across Uganda, with some applauding the women for their bravery and others condemning the protest method as extreme. Despite the controversy, the protest has effectively highlighted the deep-rooted issues of corruption and social injustice that persist in the country, especially their impact on women and children. In the wake of the protest, calls for meaningful action have grown louder.