The High Court has declared Acting Police Inspector General Gilbert Masengeli guilty of contempt of court.

Justice Lawrence Mugambi stated that impunity and blatant defiance of the law will not be tolerated, warning that those determined to disregard court orders will find no protection.

“It is my finding that the Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli is guilty of contempt of court,” said Justice Mugambi.

Acting Inspector General Gilbert Masengeli was summoned to appear in court on Monday to explain the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of three individuals in Kitengela.

However, instead of attending in person, Masengeli sent Deputy Inspector General Eliud Lagat to represent him, citing his unavailability due to security duties in Wajir.

On August 19, 2024, suspected police personnel are said to have kidnapped Jamil Longton, his brother Aslam Longton, and activist Bob Njagi, who are the three missing people.

The three have not been seen since, and friends and family have not been able to locate them.

Masengeli had missed seven court dates before to Monday's hearing.

In order to punish Masengeli for defying court orders, attorney Nelson Havi, who is representing the petitioners in the case, requested that Justice Mugambi sentence him to six months in civil prison.