Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has said former governors have a lot of experience serving as Chief Administrative Secretaries in the Kenya Kwanza administration.

 Speaking in an Interview with K24 on Wednesday, Khalwale has urged President William Ruto not to succumb to social media pressure and appoint former governors as Chief Administrative Secretaries if they qualify.

"I want to encourage the President not to succumb to social media pressure. If a former governor has credentials that will bring value to a ministry, please appoint him," he said.

Khalwale added that the post of CAS is crucial since it assists Cabinet Secretaries in managing the ministry's operations despite their hectic schedules.

This follows the release of the 224 shortlisted candidates who applied for the CAS positions by the Public Service Commission among them eight former County bosses.

Among the eight governors in Taita Taveta County John Mruttu, Evans Kidero(Nairobi), Samwel Tunai(Narok), Samwel Ragwa(Tharaka Nithi), James Ongwae(Kisii), Patrick Khaemba(Trans Nzoia), Moses Lelonkulal of Samburu and Hussein Dado(Tana River).

Kisii’s James Ongwae was also shortlisted causing an uproar with National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro and Kathiani MP Robert Mbui criticizing former governors seeking Chief Administrative Secretary positions.

Osoro insisted that it was unfair for governors who have retired after completing their two terms to seek the posts saying they have already exhausted opportunities to serve Kenyans.

Their interviews will be conducted from March 1, and if successful, Ruto will appoint them to the positions.