Former Kiambu governor William Kabogo has exchanged words on Twitter with Cabinet Secretary for Investments, Trade and Industry Moses Kuria.

The former Kiambu governor tweeted that Kenya is a capitalist economy that cannot afford to close China Square under the guise of protecting local retailers.

PHOTO | COURTESY William Kabogo

"Kenya is a capital economy, we can't close china square at the pretence of protecting local retailers, in other words, Kenyans buy commodities at expensive prices, so who should we protect more? I purchased a cabro brush at CS @ ksh. 400 which @ Gikomba is ksh. 950. Who's fooling who?" kabogo

Kabogo's tweet comes after the trade cabinet secretary moved to stop china square from operating in the country. Kuria first proposed purchasing China Square's lease and handing over the building to Kenyan merchants. He said that we want Chinese investors to come to Kenya as producers rather than merchants.


Moses Kuria responded to William Kabogo by saying that the former Kiambu governor is lucky to have had a car (Or Chopper) to drive to China Square, adding that the heaven for elite shoppers who don't care about the children of traders who have no school fees.

Kuria's decision to stop china square from operating has come under fire from various politicians. Belgut mp nelson koech has condemned  Moses Kuria's sentiments about China square saying that the trader has met all the legal requirements to be able to operate a business in the country.

 In a tv interview, nelson koech said that the government should instead open its doors to international investors and create incentives to ensure the local market is protected from market devaluation.