I'm Bringing Free Parking On Weekends, Sakaja Promises Nairobians

Following Governor Johnson Sakaja's commitment, Nairobi motorists will soon enjoy free weekend parking.

The governor stated that eliminating weekend parking costs will encourage companies to stay open on weekends.

"When the County Assembly passes the Finance Bill 2023." "I propose that Nairobi not charge weekend parking fees," Sakaja stated.

"This will encourage business establishments to open on weekends, as well as provide an opportunity for Nairobi residents to support businesses and transact on weekends," he added.

The governor acknowledged the problematic economic difficulties that Kenyans are currently through.

"I understand that things are tough. We also want to increase the number of weekend visitors to the CBD."

He also stated that his administration would prioritise security around the clock.

"Other world-class cities are alive and well on weekends." Nairobi should emulate this energy. Because doing so will ensure growth."

Mr Wilson Gakuya, the county Chief Officer for Revenue Collection, recently led other Chief Officers and County workers to inaugurate the Finance Bill 2023 Validation.

The Act's provisions will assist the county in raising its source of cash to satisfy county budgetary expenditures.

However, this idea is expected to attract opposition in the Nairobi County Assembly, given that parking charges are a significant source of revenue for the county.

During a church service on Sunday, the governor stated that the county exceeded its aim in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period last year.

"I can confidently state that our county revenue collection for the last three months increased by Sh673 million compared to last year," Sakaja said.

According to the 2023 County Revenue Collection Report, they received Sh1.42 billion in January, Sh1.3 billion in February, and Sh1.78 billion in March.

Land Rates, Single Business Permits, Fire Inspection, House and Stall Rent, and Food Handlers are some of the other significant sources of revenue for the county.