Omboko Milemba, MP for Emuhaya, has been named Secretary General of the Amani National Congress (ANC).

On Thursday morning, the legislator who would succeed Simon Kiguru was unveiled at the Mudavadi Centre.

His predecessor was nominated for the position of Chief Administrative Secretary.


Shortly after, the new pair of hands told the media that the Mudavadi-led ANC would not fold to join UDA.

"There have been talks that we would fold our parties to join Kenya Kwanza, but the ANC will remain an independent party within the Kenya Kwanza coalition," Milemba added.

According to the legislator, the ANC party is getting ready to start building the party, with the first step being meeting with all essential party organs.

Following that, Milemba says the party will hold meetings with the party's leadership across the country via a caravan that will travel through all 47 counties.