The Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) has warned of El Nino rains in Makueni County from October to early January short rains season.

Makueni County Meteorological Director Jonathan Ngayai said the county expects a heavy downpour from El Nino that will cause flooding, landslides and flashfloods in the area.

Further, Ngayai warned the residents in prone areas to relocate to safe places to avert loss of lives and destruction of property from the rains.

According to the department, the areas to be affected include lowlands parts of Kibwezi that will be affected by floods, while mud landslides will be experienced in parts of Kilungu, Mbooni and Chyulu hills.

“The Elnino rains are expected to start from October to December, I hereby urge all the residents living in prone areas experiencing floods and landslides to relocate to safe places through the guidance of the government,” he said.

However, he has assured the residents the government has put measures and interventions to avert such situations.

“Both governments and stakeholders have put in place adequate measures, and interventions to ensure the safety of citizens and preventing loss of property but residents too need to do their part,” he added.

Additionally, the department will continue to give timely updates and warnings of the El Nino phenomenon to the residents and all the partners to prepare them for any impact.

“As a department, we will provide residents with updates and early warning information to prepare citizens, governments and partners adequately to handle any negative impact caused by the rains,” noted Ngayai.

He appealed to the residents to take advantage of the rains by planting short-season crops and harvesting water in farm ponds and storage tanks for the dry periods of early next year.