Police have turned away thousands of Kenyans lining up for their eyeballs to be scanned in the World Coin registration at the Kenyatta International Convention Center(KICC).

According to the Worldcoin team, police asked them to stop the exercise due to the security risks.

However, they were advised to look for a bigger venue, such as the Nyayo or Kasarani Stadiums, where they can conduct the exercise with minimal security concerns.

Kenyans who had lined up for the exercise were also turned away by the Worldcoin team, who said they would inform them of a different location before the exercise resumed on Wednesday.

Several Kenyans who refuse to leave the area are currently being driven away by police.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is a proponent of the worldwide blockchain initiative known as Worldcoin.

After having their eyes scanned as part of the registration process, participants are issued 25 WLD tokens or Kes 7786.

After three years of development, Worldcoin, the digital identification platform co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has finally gained traction in Kenya.

The platform aims to provide everyone with a verified digital identity supported by a unique cryptocurrency token, Worldcoin (WLD) and crypto wallet software.

However, the crypto community has praised and criticized Worldcoin's novel solution, which depends on iris scanning for identity verification.