Maina Kageni of Classic 105 says there's a big difference between charming ladies in the past and now. During the morning talk, Kageni asked him if guys nowadays can win women without spending Money.

"Let's talk about the difference between wooing a woman then and now. Do mistari's work anymore? Do women still fall for those lines? Can a man win a woman without Money?" he asked.

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A listener said, "let me tell you maina..nowdays it's money and love." Either uchukue fuliza ama u go sell your eyeball for free Money na wale watu wa world coin

Many believe that nowadays, Love doesn't happen without Money. Check out tweeps' reactions.

Shykoo Shiks: Back then, yes, mistari was a thing, but with this generation, money is everything

Martin Karubi: Deal with either Love or economy nowadays!!! Lakini usikubali kuumizwa na zote pamoja. I can't, and I will never invest my Money in Love at the relationship level....kama nikuuza niuzie tu

Jennifer Kanyiri: That is it though some men are taking advantage in case they notice a lady has some money; he'll always look up to her to cater for all expenses, so one needs to be alert if a man comes in the name of Love since he might be a con disguising as a soul mate

David Ogeta: The moment society started romanticizing Love, that is where we all went wrong Love is many things apart from Money. Money can't buy Love. We need to understand where Money works miracles and becomes motivation.

Shi Slim: it's possible to love without Money being the centre of the relationship. Money is good; however, Money is not everything.

Prince Vinz: Winning a woman without Money can never happen; it's impossible.

Bryan Amani: Pesa ndio mistari siku hizi