President William Ruto is slated to embark on an intensive development tour of Mount Kenya this weekend and the following week.

The five-day vacation will begin on Saturday morning with a road trip from Nairobi, with stops in Githurai and Kenol.

The President is slated to open a water project at Kagio Trading Centre before speaking to wananchi at Baricho in Kirinyaga County.

In Karatina, he will open the Marua-State Lodge Road, facilitating the movement of products and services and spurring economic growth.

The Head of State will attend an interdenominational prayer service at the State Lodge Sagana on Sunday.

On Monday, he will begin his day in Mukurweini, where a road will be dedicated. Following this occasion, water projects in Tetu and Othaya will be launched.

The President will open a bus park in Nyeri Town, relieving traffic congestion and providing a more welcoming transportation environment.

He will open a new Kenya Co-operative Creameries facility in Kiganjo on Tuesday.

He will host Mount Kenya leaders at the Sagana State Lodge.

Agriculture, infrastructure, health, and education, among other areas, will dominate the summit, including Governors, MPs, and MCAs.

The President's Mt. Kenya journey will conclude on Wednesday with the opening of the three-story, 175-bed Naromoru Level IV Hospital.

He will then unveil an affordable housing project in Gichugu before arriving in Thika to commission the Karimenu Dam Water Supply Project and introduce affordable housing.