President William Ruto has nominated Renson Ingonga for the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) position.

The National Assembly’s Justice and Legal Affairs Committee is set to vet Ingonga, who is currently serving as Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions.

He was nominated from a list of 15 individuals interviewed for the position by the Public Service Commission.

Those shortlisted for the post include lawyer Danstan Omari, Former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioner Thomas Letangule, David Ruto, Winston Ngaira, Peter Mailanyi, Jacob Ondari, James Ndegwa, and David Okachi.

Others Francis Andayi, Taib Ali, Jacinta Nyamosi, Victor Mule,Lilian Okumu, and Tabitha Ouya.

The seat of the country’s topmost prosecutor fell vacant after former officeholder Noordin Haji was appointed the director of the National Intelligence Service.