Ekuru Aukot, leader of the Third Way Alliance, has characterized current bipartisan talks between leaders of the ruling Kenya Kwanza Alliance and the opposition Azimio la Umoja coalition as a waste of time.

Aukot told a Citizen program on Tuesday that the opposition-called talks to iron out difficulties with the government is proof that President Ruto is not convinced he won the 2022 General Election.


“The problem with these talks is that they are a waste of time and resources, but it also in a way confirms that President William Ruto isn’t confident that he actually won the election fairly. If he did, and I believe he did, why is he entertaining a conversation with someone who lost?” Aukot posed.

Azimio wants a lower cost of living, an audit of the 2022 General Election servers, bipartisan rebuilding of the IEBC, as well as its inclusion in national issues and what he calls respect for political parties.

However, the Third Way Alliance leader sees it as reducing the nation's conversation to two people: President Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga.


"This conversation about this country is being reduced to Raila and Ruto, even though Kenya is home to more than 50 million people," he remarked.

"If I were President Ruto, I would tell the opposition that if they have a problem with my leadership, they need to go through Parliament and file a motion of censure or impeachment."


Aukot accused Azimio of avoiding discussing important issues confronting Kenyans, including the newly enacted Finance Bill, and instead resorted to politicking.

Over nine Azimio MPs did not vote on the contentious law that hiked taxation in June, with some even leaving the country for parliamentary trips abroad.