Trade CS Moses Kuria has stated that he will work with unorthodox forces to help make the economy better.


Despite the fact that President William Ruto was elected on the promise of lowering the cost of living and supporting a better future for low-income individuals, Kenya is currently embroiled in a heated debate over the high cost of living.


The passage of the disputed Finance 2023 Bill, the recent increase in fuel prices by the Energy Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), and the resulting increase in the prices of vital basic items have exacerbated Kenyans' woes.

Speaking during the inauguration of the region's industrial park in Kajiado County on Wednesday, Kuria stated that he is willing to 'listen to the devil' if it means a positive boom in Kenya's economy.

"Wakati huu si wakati was siasa, huu ni wakati wa kila mtu...saa hii jamani mi ni mkristo na namwamini Mungu lakini ata shetani akiniambia vile uchumi itaamka nitamskiliza," stated Kuria.

"Hakuna mtu siko tayari kusikiliza."

PHOTO | COURTESY trade CS Moses Kuria 

The CS stated that he is open to receiving proposals on strengthening the economy from members of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance.

"Hii njaa haijui mtu wa Azimio ama Kenya Kwanza; lazima tuungane pamoja tuweze kufukuza njaa, umaskini, kupatia vijana wetu kazi, kuinua wamama na kusaidia wazee," he stated.

Kuria also asked Kajiado citizens to use the industrial park to add value to their farming endeavors and to shut down middlemen who he claims are exploiting local farmers.