South Africa Presidential candidate Julius Malema has sent a message to his followers amid the ongoing general elections. Below is the message:

Thank you, South Africa, for turning out in such large numbers to vote in this historic election. We are thrilled by your determination and commitment. We understand the frustrations you have faced and the Dattempts to demoralize you by providing inefficient services. Do not give up.

To the youth of South Africa, your strong presence is inspiring. This is your future. By voting today, you are securing the next five years. Stay in the queues; do not go home.

The IEC cannot turn away anyone who is in line. Some of you have waited for more than seven or even ten hours, but remember, when something great is about to happen, it often comes through a difficult process. Do not get discouraged. Stay in the queues like me; I am still at the stations ensuring that no voter is turned away, regardless of their political affiliation.

We must make this democracy work for us and for our future. Stay strong. The EFF ground forces and the Mullungis Madronsela Battalion are mobilizing to keep the youth engaged, warm, and well-fed while they wait to cast their votes. I am with you, and I will stay until the last voter has cast their vote.

This is the time for land, jobs, and ending load-shedding. Your vote tonight can stop load-shedding forever. Your vote brings jobs and land. Thank you, South Africa, for showing that 2024 is our 1994. Do not be discouraged by the queues. They are trying to frustrate you into leaving. The IEC has successfully run elections before, and this sudden inefficiency seems deliberate to dishearten you.