According to reports reaching the Waza news desk, ODM party leader Raila Odinga is slowly exiting local politics. Raila is eyeing the AU seat and for a while now, he has been working towards that direction. As a result of Raila's current focus, all eyes are now directed to Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Most Kenyans are eager to find out just how well the Wiper party leader is gonna fit in Raila Odinga's shoes.

There has been a rift between the Azimio Oka coalition because of the ODM party. Azimio principles such as Peter Munya of PNU, Martha Karua of Narc Kenya and Jeremiah Kioni of Jubilee have been of a different opinion disagreeing with Raila and his ODM party for what they termed as betrayal.

President Ruto nominated three ODM members for Cabinet Secretary positions, and they are now part of the government. Ali Hassan Joho, Wycliff Oparanya and John Mbadi are ODM members who are currently holding cabinet secretary positions in Ruto's government.

This move has led Azimio Oka members to speculate that ODM may have reached a secret agreement with the Kenya Kwanza government, prompting discussions about potentially exiting the coalition.

Even with Raila Odinga's departure, it will take time for the parties within the Azimio coalition to align their positions. Many of the co-principals have lost trust in the ODM party led by Odinga, making it challenging for them to unify.