Gem Member of Parliament has called upon President William Ruto to give Raila Odinga an international job at the United Nations (UN) or the African Union (AU) to coordinate matters of climate change.

Speaking on Saturday, Elisha says will ease the political tension being witnessed in the country.

"Jakom (Raila) is our leader and we respect him. I have so far requested the government led by President Ruto to give him a job at the UN or AU as the coordinator of matters climate change," he said.

Further, he argued that Raila deserves to serve the world in another capacity, and opposition roles could be left to Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua.

The two can hold the role of formal opposition leader, according to Odhiambo, which would be created as a result of the impending bipartisan talks between the government and opposition parties.

Raila stated on Saturday that he is willing to try bipartisan negotiations and that if they fail, Azimio will go back to the streets.

"We are talking without conditions, they shouldn’t have conditions too. If they will not be ready to talk and agree with us, we will urge Kenyans to take a different direction after 30 days,” he said.