South Gem Member of County Assembly (MCA) Brian Achieng is admitted at the Kisumu Agha Khan Hospital after being stabbed five times in the stomach, back and buttocks on Saturday.

Achieng who was elected as an Independent candidate was stabbed in his ward during a funeral when a scuffle ensued.

He was rushed to the hospital and taken to the surgery room for an operation.

According to Gem Member of Parliament (MP), Elisha Odhiambo, who visited the MCA said he was stable as he continues to receive medical attention.

However, blamed Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga's supporters for the attack. Wanga was present at the funeral but has since denied any involvement.

“Abala Wanga had goons at the funeral and the attack was aimed to kill the MCA but by the grace of God, he has survived the knife attack,” said the MP.

Further, he says that the body parts that were targeted during the attack are sensitive.

“I have seen the areas which were stabbed, close to the heart and kidney,” he said.

The MP says he has escalated up the matter with relevant authorities for quick action to be taken.

“We want the culprits arrested and arraigned in court, such attacks must stop in Gem,” he said.

The MP is a member of a group of ODM lawmakers that are being disciplined by the party for choosing to cooperate with the Kenya Kwanza administration.