Relationships are complicated, and conflicts do occur. How you resolve them is what determines how healthy the relationship is. Here are some ways to solve conflicts healthily.

couple arguing

1. Create boundaries. In any relationship, boundaries are essential. It would be best if you communicated to your partner what you like and dislike. Doing This will also make them respect you because they know your limitations.

2. Identify the source of the conflict. Arguing occurs when one partner believes the other is not meeting their needs. Finding out what it is your partner needs and how to meet them will aid in the resolution of the conflict. Your partner may feel insecure or unhappy, and the only way to express that is through an argument.

3. learn to compromise. Compromise is significant in any relationship. You can only sometimes have your way. Take turns in making decisions that you both don't agree with in doing things you want. Doing This will help you feel like things are balanced.

couple fighting

. agree to disagree. We have different opinions, so we will sometimes be on other pages. You can decide to drop the issue if it's not something significant. But if you and your partner are not compromising on the crucial point, you might not be compatible and should consider splitting up.

5. create a welcoming environment for open communication. It would be best if you made an environment where your partner will feel comfortable airing their views. If the domain is hostile, your partner will not feel comfortable telling you how they feel. Doing This means that they will keep things building up until it reaches a point where they cannot take it anymore, so they explode. Doing This can turn a situation violent.

Conflicts do happen in relationships. It is essential to consider your partner's feelings and remain respectful no matter how heated the argument is.