Luis Rubiales kissing Jenni Hermoso on the lips was an "unacceptable gesture," according to Spain's prime minister, and his apologies "is not enough."

Following Spain's 1-0 victory over England in the Women's World Cup final on Sunday, the president of the Spanish Football Federation Rubiales kissed forward Hermoso.

Rubiales apologized on Monday and said he was "completely wrong".

"What we saw was an unacceptable gesture," prime minister Pedro Sanchez said on Tuesday.

"Rubiales' apologies are not enough, I even think they are not adequate. He has to continue taking steps to clarify what we all saw.

"The players did everything to win but Rubiales' behaviour shows that there is still a long way to go for equality."

Spain's second deputy prime minister, Yolanda Diaz, Spain's called for Rubiales' resignation.

"Their excuses are useless," she said." [The Spain squad] have shown us many things about equality, not only in sports and football.

"They have shown us that there is still a lot to do in our country, that there is still a lot to do so that men and women can become equal."

Hermoso said on Instagram that she "didn't like" Rubiales' behaviour after the championship game, but the Spain forward afterwards issued a statement in his defence.

“I have to apologize and learn from this, and understand that when you are president you have to be more careful.”

Other Spanish government officials have also criticized Rubiales, and he has received backlash on social media for groping and kissing Hermoso.

Spain’s equalities minister Irene Montero said": “It’s a form of sexual violence women suffer on a daily basis”, while sports minister Miquel Iceta told Spa"ish public radio it was “unacceptable” for Rubiales to kiss Hermoso.

Online videos that were shared after the game also showed Rubiales grabbing his groin as he celebrated the final whistle while seated close to Queen Letizia of Spain and Fifa president Gianni Infantino in the VIP section of the stadium.