'No' is a simple word, but it's often hard to say. It's essential to learn how to say no clearly and firmly. Don't do anything you don't want to.

But you are saying no sounds easier than it is. How do you go about it?

Sometimes you might be asked out on a date, but you don't like that person in that way. How can you say 'no' without hurting their feelings?

Saying NO is not always rude.

Below are some tips. They're also handy in other situations where you need to say no, for example, if your partner suggests something you don't want to do.

BE Honest; try and be honest about why You'd instead not go out with them. They need to mention physical reasons, such as their weight or poor fashion sense. For example:

'I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way.'

'I appreciate how you feel, but I don't think it'll work out.'

'I'm very busy at the moment, so I just don't have time for a relationship.'

If you can't think of anything, say 'no'. You don't always have to explain yourself.

Be firm, so they know you mean it. But be nice, too. Please don't laugh or say they're being ridiculous.

If you want to make the situation less awkward, start a conversation after your turndown. Like, mention a film you've just seen or something funny that happened to you. If this doesn't work, politely excuse yourself and talk to someone else or move away.

Appreciate the friendship. If the person is a friend, tell them that you appreciate their company and hope they can still hang out. It may be awkward for a while, and they may need some space to recover. But as long as you treat them usually and with respect, the friendship may grow more robust.

Find a polite way of saying NO.