Eliud Kipchoge would have been the first man to win three consecutive Olympic marathons, but unfortunately, this has not happened. Despite a strong start, Kipchoge surprisingly fell behind before the group reached the halfway mark, an unusual strategy for him.

Italian runner Eyob Faniel made an unexpected move early on, breaking away at the 11-kilometre mark to lead the race solo. He crossed the 15-kilometre mark in 45:38, establishing a substantial 29-second lead over the chasing pack.

Kipchoge began to struggle after 19 kilometres, visibly showing signs of discomfort as he clutched the left side of his stomach and upper hip.

Meanwhile, the other Kenyan runners kept pace with the group chasing Faniel, who crossed the 20-kilometre mark at 1:01:32.

Tamirat Tola, the world champion from Eugene two years ago, caught up with Faniel as they passed the halfway point at 1:04:51. Shortly after, Kipruto, the fastest man in the world this year, rejoined them.

"Tutasifu Eliud Kipchoge hata kama hajamaliza race. Ambieni Murkomen atupatie alert ile siku Kipchoge anarudi tufike JKIA mapema we must remind him vile alitujenga those days we needed him the most. Kwanza let me take my blue whistle ipanguzwe vumbi before I forget." Gabriel Oguda said.

The group reached the 25-kilometre mark at 1:06:08, with Eliud Kipchoge falling to 63rd place.

As the race progressed, Tamirat Tola took control near the 30-kilometre mark, with runners struggling against the steep hills of the Forêt domaniale de Me.

Reactions after Kipchoge lost the race

Gabriel Oguda announced plans to welcome Kipchoge back to Kenya with a heroic reception at JKIA, acknowledging his remarkable past performances and records in the marathon. The blogger, allied with Opiyo Wandayi, criticized those Kenyans who have spoken negatively about the legendary runner following his loss of the Olympic title today.

Here are the reactions from Kenyans:

"That's the spirit kipchoge really requires Kenyans support right now ,there was a time when he put Kenya on the global map but now some kenyan saddist on social media are busy castigating him, kipchoge remains the G.O.A.T." Delanoh said.

I look at people insulting Eliud Kipchoge and I just conclude that they definitely never watched him at his prime. I cannot even engage.

"They keep mentioning the name of the one that got money and sought alcohol and women instead of being disciplined whenever Eliud is running. A very ungrateful group of people." Lavi Lavinah said.

"Yes he did his best when it was his prime time, we still celebrate him,he has taught me that kikiumana wee ingia mitini ikiwa mapema,your health comes first..I don't like how those commentary people keep on reminding us about kiptum." Kelvin Kimani Mbugua said.

"But above all remind him that a good dancer knows when to leave the stage." Wilky Elly said.

"Si Gen z's wesema watakua pale JKIA akishuka wasalimie yeye kidogo?" Clint Kiluma said

"Eliud Kipchoge took the "Anguka nayo" challenge too far, we were not that serious." Sultan Chris said.

"He is still the Goat,heros win once or twice.. More than that is by God's grace.i celebrate him as I celebrate Beatrice Chebet and Tebogo." Dorrie said.