Prominent politician from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party, Honorable Kimani Ichungwa, has publicly criticized well-known Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba, alleging that Ababu employs a Subaru vehicle to forcefully navigate through traffic.

You weren't appointed a minister in this nation to wave flags in the streets and force your way through traffic while being escorted by Subarus. To serve the people, you were appointed a minister. It is quite regrettable that our athletes can leave the nation without receiving the proper acknowledgement from the ministry in charge of that duty. And to make matters worse, when they return to the country after winning, no minister welcomes them, according to Honorable Kimani Ichungwa, a legislator with the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

Ichungwa has also revealed that they are going to summon Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba in parliament to answer on why he doesn't have time for Kenyans.

There let me on behalf of the Kenya Kwanza government take this opportunity to profoundly apologize to these great sportsmen of our country. As I apologize, I would also like to reveal that we are going to summon the renowned Cabinet Secretary to ask him questions ~ Ichungwa.

While reacting to this news, Kenyans who took to their different social media platforms to express their opinion on this topic have urged President William Ruto to do something about this stating that Kenya should take sportsmen seriously.