The Board of TransCentury on Saturday announced the death of East African Cables chairman  Michael  Waweru.

Waweru had served as the EA Cables Board Chairman since 2017.

In a statement, TransCentury Chairman Shaka Kariuki said Waweru was a visionary leader and unwavering dedication, insightful guidance, with a pioneering spirit that laid the foundation for the Group’s success.

“Under his leadership, East African Cables benefitted from his immense experience especially in strengthening systems and structures.”

Before joining the company, Waweru served as the Commissioner General of the Kenya Revenue Authority between 2003 and 2012.

His tenure as the taxman saw him awarded the Chief Order of the Burning Spear by the late President Mwai Kibaki for driving high tax collections.

“Dr. Waweru was one of the founding members of TransCentury PLC in addition to other varied fields where he played a key role in steering and ensuring their success,” Kariuki added.