Diageo Plc is set to host the newly launched Africa Digital Hub in Kenya at EABL headquarters in Garden City Office Park, Nairobi, to accelerate its digital transformation ambition.

The hub is a shared service designed to deploy digital capability in Africa rapidly.

The Africa Digital Hub will serve Diageo’s key African markets, including Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana.
Waithera Kabiru, the immediate former Head of Media Futures at EABL, will head it.

“To win the next generation celebration by engaging and delighting consumers with world-class experiences across every consumer physical and digital touch points,” Diageo’s Global Digital Transformation Lead Susan Jones.

The decision reinforces Kenya’s prime position as a tech leader in Africa, driven by an emerging, wealthier middle-class population.

The development comes as Kenya emerges as a favourite innovation destination for global tech giants, thanks to mobile penetration, tech innovation and an emerging middle-class population.

A recent white paper by Visa indicated that e-commerce has experienced phenomenal growth rates worldwide and will grow to $7 trillion globally by 2024.

In 2020, EABL launched its direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform ke.theBar.com, which will be scaled to other African markets.