The main petitioner in the Mumias Sugar Company insolvency case, Jackline Kimeto, now says that she withdrew the case under duress and threats to her life.

The petitioner, seeking over Kes 76 million from the sugar mill, made a turnaround after withdrawing from the case on Friday.

The petitioner requested a hearing through her attorney and pleaded for attention, claiming that anonymous state personnel had threatened her personal liberty and intimidated her.

Kimeto requested the revocation of her earlier withdrawal letters from the court in a letter addressed to the Deputy Registrar of the High Court.

“I am currently being subjected to force, threats of imprisonment, threats to life, and extreme psychological pressure to withdraw the petitions I filed in court on March 2019 without any mention as to how my monies shall be settled in full,” a letter dated September 2 read.

Even though Mumias has provided representation in several cases since 2015, the law firm argued that Mumias has not upheld its half of the deal.

Given its sensitivity, the firm encouraged the court to hasten the subject's hearing by providing them with the hearing date.

“Taking cognizance of the ongoing recess, we wish to request you furnish us with a mention date before the honorable judge on a priority case and in any case as soon as the court diary permits,” the letter read.

The latest development occurred as billionaire Jaswant Rai of West Kenya Sugar Company abandoned all of his appeals court cases against Mumias Sugar.

About a year ago, Rai, the owner of West Kenya Sugar Company, and his businessman brother Sarbjit Singh Rai, the proprietor of the Uganda-based Sarrai Group, filed a lawsuit over the administration of Mumias Sugar Company.