Vipingo Ridge has appointed former Tourism Cabinet Secretary(CS) Najib Balala to its board of Directors in new changes.

The former CS also serves as the Vice President for International Fauna and Flora International (FFI).

He has been appointed alongside Ken Luusa who is a season real estate expert with more than 36 years of experience.

Luusa is an experienced Surveyor with a Bachelor of Land Economics from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, currently serving as chairperson of the Kenya Property Developers Association and former board director at the National Construction Authority.

"These new Appointments bring a vast wealth of global knowledge and governance expertise to the board and will ensure that the homeowners’ best interests, and those of the development are protected and enhanced going forward,” former Vipingo Board Chairperson, Alastair Cavenagh said.

Additionally, Vipingo has appointed Trevor Finn as its chairperson following Alastair Cavenagh’s resignation.

He replaces Cavenagh, who has been at the helm for a period of 20 years.

However, Vipingo says Cavenagh will remain a member of its board of directors

“The past 20 years have been a roller coaster and I am exceptionally proud to have been one of the original founders and played such an integral part in the development of Vipingo Ridge from a green field site into what it has become today; home to Africa’s only PGA accredited golf course, and undisputedly one of Kenya’s most prestigious residential estates,” said Cavenagh in his farewell speech.