Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can profoundly impact a person's life.

It can cause sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. While depression can be difficult to overcome, several strategies can help.

 According to a report by the Ministry of Health Taskforce on Mental health, depression and anxiety are Kenya's leading mental health disorders.

Seek Help

This may mean talking to a trusted friend, family member, or a mental health professional.

Mental health professionals, such as therapists or psychiatrists, are trained to help people with depression and can provide support, advice, and treatment options that can help.

A mental health professional can also help you determine the root cause of your depression, which may be a past traumatic event, a chemical imbalance in the brain, or a life change such as losing a loved one or a job.

Create a Support System

 This may mean reaching out to friends and family members for help and support, joining a support group for individuals with depression, or connecting with others who have experienced similar struggles.

Support from others can help provide a sense of community and encouragement, which can help overcome depression.

Practice Self Care

It is also important to practice self-care as part of the recovery process. This may mean changing your diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep.

Research has shown that exercise, in particular, can positively impact mental health, as it can release endorphins which can boost mood.

In addition, making healthy choices in terms of diet and sleep can also help improve overall physical and mental health.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is another effective way to overcome depression. CBT is a form of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviours contributing to depression.

A therapist can work with you to identify negative thought patterns, challenge them, and replace them with more positive and accurate thinking.

This can help improve mood and reduce feelings of hopelessness and sadness.

Use Antidepressants 

Medication can also be an effective treatment for depression. Antidepressant medications can help balance the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that are associated with mood.

However, it is important to note that a mental health professional should prescribe medication and be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as therapy.

Engage In Activities

Lastly, engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment is important. This may include hobbies, volunteer work, or spending time with loved ones.

Engaging in activities that you find enjoyable can help boost your mood and reduce feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

It can also help you build new relationships and create positive experiences, providing a sense of hope and purpose.


Depression is a challenging condition to overcome, but with the right support and strategies, it is possible to recover fully.

Seeking help from a mental health professional, creating a support system, practising self-care, participating in therapy, taking medication if prescribed, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment can all be effective ways to overcome depression.

It is important to remember that recovery is a process that may take time. Still, with perseverance and determination, it is possible to overcome depression and live a fulfilling life.