How do you cut your nails? Cutting one's nails is a common and important part of personal hygiene, but cutting them to an excessively shorter length can harm your overall nail health.

Extreme shortening of nails can make them more susceptible to infection. Once more, ingrown nails can be painful and swollen. Moreover, germs and fungi can readily penetrate the nail after cutting if it is not adequately cleaned, leading to an infection. This is especially true for toenails, which are frequently stored in warm, damp conditions that are ideal for developing germs.


Once more, cutting your nails too short could damage the skin around them. Where the nails are, the skin is delicate and thin. When cut too close to the skin, nails can easily irritate or even tear the skin. This could lead to painful sores or the development of painful hangnails.

Picking up tiny objects, typing on a keyboard, or having incredibly short nails could be challenging. Nobody wants to experience this sort of discomfort.

Too short nails may be messy and unattractive, lowering one's self-worth and confidence.

When using quality nail clippers or scissors, cutting nails hurts less. Nails may make you attractive to your partner or even mere friends. Maintaining healthy nails is recommended whether you are a lady or a gentleman. 

For ladies who apply gel or put on fake nails, it is good to be careful about the products used to clean your nails during and after. Some products may weaken your nails, forcing you to cut them too short.


Maintaining clean, dry, and moisturized nails daily is essential for healthy skin care. You feel assured and comfortable when your nails are strong and healthy.