Kabartonjo residents in Baringo North Sub-county are terrified after discovering the disfigured and dismembered body of a middle-aged woman.

According to witnesses, the woman was found near a crossroads connecting Kabartonjo-Moi Boys High School school road. The victim's body had severe wounds and was naked, with her eyes gouged out and the flesh on her face removed.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

Businessman Stanley Kipkechem said this was the first time they had seen something like this in the neighborhood.

He said that early business activity in Kabartonjo town was halted as villagers swarmed the area to try to identify the woman. Because there was no blood in the area, they assumed she was murdered elsewhere, and her body was thrown in the area.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

OCS Duncan Mwangi confirmed the incident. Adding that officers are investigating the crime and bringing the suspect to justice.

According to Mary Talaai, a shopkeeper in the vicinity, the areas where the body was dumped have become dangerous due to youths hanging along the thick road.

Residents are now requesting police to strengthen patrols in the region as they condemn the savage assassination of a woman believed to be a local.

The body has been transferred from the scene to the Baringo County Referral Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem.