A man convicted of defiling three minors and indecently abusing two others has been sentenced to serve a 320-year prison sentence.

Justice Samuel Mohochi of the High Court in Nakuru instructed that David Karega, who had been convicted by a lower court to 100 years in prison for each of the three charges of defilement and ten years each for the two counts of indecent behavior, begin serving his sentence.

PHOTO | COURTESY court hammer

Justice Mohochi rejected Karega's arguments concerning severe punishment, stating that the court cannot entertain an appeal based on sentence harshness.

“Applying the legal provision, the sentence imposed by the trial was not illegal, this is because the 100 years imprisonment each in the first three counts and 10 years on the 4th and 5th counts to be served concurrently is the lesser severe sentence from life imprisonment,” Judge said.

Mohochi noticed that Karega subjected the five youngsters, all under the age of seven, to a weird and inhumane sexual assault.

PHOTO | COURTESY Man in cuffs

According to the judge, a deterrent prison term is the only way to serve justice.

The court found that the minors' discrepancies, as claimed by the appellant, were small and insignificant and did not damage the case.

Karega appealed against the conviction, claiming the sentence was harsh and severe.

Karega filed an appeal against his conviction, claiming that the sentence was unjust and punitive and that the court neglected to consider his age and the circumstances surrounding the conduct.

According to court papers, Karega defiled and conducted an indecent act with youngsters, whose identities we have obscured because they are underage, in the Rongai sub-county.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

The youngsters claimed in court that they used to visit Karega on their way to school, and he threatened to slice their throats with a knife and toss their bodies into the river if they told anybody what had happened.

They informed the court that Karega tied their hands and handed them money before bringing them into his home.