A man has been found guilty and will serve 30 years in prison for pouring acid on a househelp, leaving her blind after she refused to sleep with him.

The victim, Fatuma, was a househelp in Tudor, Mombasa County, when the incident happened. Her problems began when her friend's brother, Mohammed Mwarandu Kombe, confessed his sexual interest to her.

PHOTO | COURTESY court hammer

Fatuma claims she rebuffed Mohamed's approaches, but her rejection sparked resentment, which led to her attack.

She was finishing up her day's work one evening when Mohammed approached her and grabbed her hands as if pulling her outside the home.

And as she attempted to extricate herself, the attacker pulled out a little container of acid and doused her face.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

“When he sprayed the liquid in my eyes, I felt a sharp pain and started shouting for help and that is when I realized that Mohammed was actually spraying me with acid. He told me that I will not see again since I had refused to give in to his advances,” Fatuma narrates.

Fatuma stated shortly after, a Mombasa court sentenced Mohammed to 30 years in jail for the conduct. She stated that she knew Mohammed via a friend who he occasionally visited.

Mohammed was charged with committing serious damage under section 234 of the criminal code. He'd disputed the accusations.

PHOTO | COURTESY court hammer

In her decision, Mombasa Senior Resident Magistrate Gladys Ollimo stated that it was sad that Fatuma would be unable to enjoy the sense of vision, one of the most crucial, for the remainder of her life.

The magistrate stated that Fatuma would no longer perceive the world's beauty.

"The court cannot overlook the victim's loss of vision as a result of his acts.