Taxi driver Victoria Mumbua Muloki, who went missing following a carjacking incident, has been found safely in Migori County.

When Victoria, the owner of a Nissan Serena with the license plate KDQ 182F, disappeared while traveling from Mombasa to the Samburu region in Kwale county, it was reported that she was gone.

PHOTO | COURTESY Hijacked Tax Driver Victoria Mumbua

After the ride, her phone stopped working, which caused her relatives and friends to get concerned and sound the alarm. Her ordeal was shared on social media, prompting a country-wide search for the missing woman and her car.

Police learned during the course of the investigation that the cab had been seen in Kondele, Kisumu County. But the car was eventually discovered in Nakuru, owned by a young man, and still with its original license plates.

Police later discovered Victoria unconscious but alive in Migori, where she was promptly taken for medical treatment. Authorities have confirmed that her condition is stable, and she is currently receiving care in Mombasa.