Police, in partnership with provincial administration, have initiated an inquiry into the death of a 12-year-old student who is suspected of committing suicide inside a classroom at Sare Primary School in Awendo, Migori County.

According to the area Chief, Paul Ogweno, the body of the grade four student was discovered hanging inside the classroom on Tuesday morning by students who had just arrived at school.

Ogweno stated they had not determined what happened before the boy committed suicide. According to the minor's mother, the pupil left the house early in the morning and had not expressed any concerns.

The deceased was sent to Rapcom Hospital mortuary for autopsy and police investigation.

Meanwhile, the area chief has urged parents to talk to their children regularly so that they are aware of some of the difficulties they are facing.

He stated that many youngsters may be mentally ill due to family troubles, among other things. Without their parents' attention and emotional support, they decide to commit themselves.

Ogweno stated that children and adults require psychosocial help when stressed.

According to county Department of health data, there has been an increase in incidences of mental illness in Migori County.