Anerlisa Muigai, an entrepreneur and social media celebrity, is preparing to sue businesses that have stolen the design of her Executive Water bottle.

Anerlisa stated in an exclusive interview that she had copyrighted her bottle design and firm name and that any businesses copying her were in trouble because they had done so.

"When I started Executive Water, we were the only company with that bottle shape, and then people started copying us. Yet we are the only ones who are supposed to have that shape, and people don't know that,' started the Nero Company Limited CEO.

She continued but was hesitant to provide more details since there was an ongoing legal dispute regarding copyrighting her design.

"I don't want to talk so much about that, but we have we are the only ones who are supposed to have that shape. When I'm ready to talk about it, after the court case is done, I'll give all the details. I get to copyright the design.

Funny enough, I didn't even know that, but someone told me, and I followed through and was given a certificate," Anerlisa said.

The heiress of Keroche Breweries noted that among the factors that had prompted her to file a lawsuit was the fact that consumers were beginning to confuse other brands with her own and the fact that rival businesses were even attempting to incorporate her brand name, "Executive," into their brands to increase sales.

Her formula for success? Consistency with a dash of originality.

When asked what advice she would provide to someone wishing to start a business in the nation, the 35-year-old urged them to find investors, emphasizing how crucial it was to have a group of investors and a good relationship with their preferred bank.

The businesswoman said that her company is a baby of her parents' company, Keroche Breweries, and they share the same compound, in case she ever experiences the brutal sting of the current economy.

She described how the disputes between KRA and Keroche Breweries had forced the closure of her company for two years.

"Kila mtu anafeel the pinch. You know us (Nero) we were deeply affected. Nero is a baby of Keroche and we were closed down for 2/3 years and it really affected us," Anerlisa said.

Under the umbrella of her business, Nero Limited, established in 2013 after returning to Kenya after completing her studies in the United Kingdom, Anerlisa controls the high-end water brands Executive Still Water and Life Still Water.